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BANGTAILS Combo- Sandalwood Bourbon-Irish Whiskey-Musk - Bedlam Beard CompanyBANGTAILS Combo- Sandalwood Bourbon-Irish Whiskey-Musk - Bedlam Beard Company
BANGTAILS - Lucky Gentlemen's MuskBANGTAILS - Lucky Gentlemen's Musk
BANGTAILS - Lucky Gentlemen's MuskBANGTAILS - Lucky Gentlemen's Musk

BANGTAILS - Lucky Gentlemen's Musk


Bangtails…England in the 1700s and 1800s referred to two things, racehorses or prostitutes. Obviously we don't want to smell like either, so this unique beard oil and balm scent profile is made of Sandalwood, Bourbon, Irish Whiskey and Musk, which is our best seller. A Legendary profile and one of the originals from the early days Bangtails remains a customer favorite. Get Your Bedlam On!

(This was an original scent from 2015 formerly called Italian Stallion)


WARNING: Using this product has side effects that can include, but are not limited too: Manliness to the extreme, amazingly great looking beard and admiration from those with no beard, obnoxious requests to lift heavy things, uncontrollable confidence, an innate ability to answer questions about many things related to motors, and the skill of the lumberjack.

ALLERGY WARNING: Bedlam Beard Oils and Balms contain nut/tree oils. Do not use on open wounds. Discontinue use if irritation occurs. Store in a cool/dry place and out of direct sunlight.38.00