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Detroit Rocked

Detroit Rocked

Oh man, what a weekend we had! So my A1 Day One as many of you all know, Justin and I headed north to Detroit this past weekend. We were headed to the Great American Beard & Mustache Competition presented by Honest Amish hosted by Murder City Beard Club. Couple things, Justin and I have done quite a few beard comps, and thought we were pretty versed in the ways. Nah. We don't know shit! Which in life can be good and bad, but this overall experience was good. There were beards from near and far, all types, styles and walks of life. Couldn't believe some were real, and then saw some that were created "artistic beards' that I thought were real! Everyone was absolutely great! Nice, inviting, and really there to have a kickass time and support some great charities. 

We got in late Friday night, 1130pm, checked into our Air BNB after the 4.5 hour drive and zonked TF out! Road wary and somewhat nervous for our first attempt at a National Beard competition, sleep came and went as we both woke early and eager to see how this day would unfold. Did our usual preparations for grooming and plenty of time to make the 9AM door openings for the event. It was sunny in the empty streets of the D, where we were met with kind smiles and curious inquisitions of "are you bikers?" as we naturally are, just with no bikes this trip! One concerning thing we did notice was in our area of Detroit, we could not find a regular breakfast spot open on Saturday before 9AM. Seems the old blue collar factory days and silver diners are long gone, as most of where we were was very much on the up and up and boujie. Is what it is, we managed to navigate the boutiques and buildings to find the Golden Arches for some morning malnourishment. We enjoyed some warm processed eggs with our new homeless friends who were very animated and inclined to participate in conversation and life lessons. Now that we were satiated with blessings and morsels of who knows what, back to the streets to find the event. 

The sunlight was beaming down upon us as if it was a beacon, leading us to the land of beards. The Masonic Temple is an old beautiful architectural fortress in the middle of many other mid century block long buildings. The Temple which hosts many events on any given day, concerts mostly, is massive! Our event just happened to be in belly of the beast of a building. Upon parking we walked into the bearded madness, registered, and feasted our eyes for the first time upon what would now be our reckoning. We were no longer the favorites of a beard competition. This is what a stage of true competitors looks like. This is how the brotherhood builds.

"Double Jameson and Ginger" I ordered...time to meet the beards! I walked around mingling, in awe at the spectacle of these magnificent beards. Specimens that you see in ads, or featured on TV shows and wonder, are those real beards? Yes. They are real. And the men that wear them are just as real and kick ass as they are. Many of them humble as very complimentary and nervous as well, which was very surprising to me. Mostly I think because we all say we don't give a fuck if we win, but deep down inside we all want to win! I mean yes its always for the cause, but no one likes to lose! And we all take pride in our beards! My category there were at least 26 beards! 26 dudes who's beards were epic! It was such a big category the organizer cut it in half, I was #12 so she said the guy behind me was the last one in the first group. I was like ok. Well after our first promenade around the stage, they then selected a handful from that first 13, and I was picked. HUH, really, my little or reggedy ass beard. Ok! Then the second 13 went up and wowed the judges and crowd! I was for certain they had their winners. Nope. Called our small group and a small group of the second back up...oh wow, now our 2 have become the finalist for the category. No way am I placing with these studs! And thats what I kept telling the judges! I said I don't envy your position, these are all tough acts and beards to follow! Geez! They retorted to me..."Your one tough act and beard to follow" I was like what...oh shit...they like my I'm fucking nervous, drinks empty! 

Hours later, they call for placing, my number gets called. And the one to my left, previous World and National Champion...badass! The one to my right, National Champion...holy shit...then me, jackass from Indiana! Took 3rd in my first big boy competition! Happy for it, wasn't expecting it! Not going to do anything different, just keep on being me! But it was cool! Justin and I celebrated with a trip to Mom's Spaghetti...kind of an Easter Egg in Detroit, Eminems famous lyric now turned restaurant, which was all worth it. Me and my road dog got to have another one off trip, learn a lot, meet many many cool ass people, see a kickass city thats been through so much, and bring a piece of Detroit home. Now we get our rest on and get ready to travel to Cincinnati for Big Whisker Revival on 10/5 and try and do it all again! Make memories while you can remember! 


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